
Just thought I would warn you:
I can't spell.
I have no grammar skills.
I like to make a 2 sentence story go about 3 paragraphs.
Some people call that long winded, I call it thorough.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Working on the weekend...

Yup, two to three times a year I have to work on the weekend. My job includes meeting planning/services so I make sure the logistics of a meeting go well. I don't remember how I got to this stage in my life but I seem to do an ok job. There tends to be a IT hiccups that my colleagues snap at me about (all of which have nothing to do with anything I can control like a power cord doesn't work or a colleague can't seem to figure out how to plug in their USB jump drive into their computer) but otherwise, I make sure everyone is well caffinated and everything goes well. However I hate it. I get two days a week to be with my family and that is taken away from me. Now I do get compensated time from work so I add two more days to my vacation allotment but still. I miss my family! My colleagues all get to skip out of staying for the dinner after the meeting however I have to stay. That is the worst part. They complain to me that they haven't see their kids...helllo, I have kids also but I'm not skipping out on dinner. Seriously.

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