
Just thought I would warn you:
I can't spell.
I have no grammar skills.
I like to make a 2 sentence story go about 3 paragraphs.
Some people call that long winded, I call it thorough.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I hate comparing my kids to each other but I do all the time. We have a pretty high bed so we keep a chair by the end of it so my son (and yes, my dog) can climb up. My 18 month old daughter just climbed herself up there with no problem last night. Then she was outside climbing up to the play house of our play set. The rule is if you are old enough to climb up, you can be up there. The age requirements start at 3 years old. My son didn't do either until he was a least 2 1/2. Yeah, yeah, I know. The younger kid does everything earlier, just following along with their older sibling but seriously!

I have problems getting into my bed sometimes....

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