
Just thought I would warn you:
I can't spell.
I have no grammar skills.
I like to make a 2 sentence story go about 3 paragraphs.
Some people call that long winded, I call it thorough.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Mommy Wars

So last night I went to one of those parties where they sell you stuff. This one was for my friend who is starting her own business making children's clothing and other stuff and her friend who sells hair bows and bags. I love my friend and support her entrepreneurship as much as I can. I knew going in that I would know no one and the possibility of me being the only working mom was a pretty big possibility. Who cares, right? So as I'm sitting there, in between women having a conversation about half day preschools. One says, "I just don't know how anyone can put their child in an all day preschool. Kids just can't do it all." HELLO, I'm a working mom, meaning full time working mom. My son goes to an all day preschool. In fact, he has been going there for over 2 years now and we couldn't be happier. Do these women assume that everyone lives just like them? Did they assume that even the women in the room they didn't know were just like them? Now what did I do in this situation? NOTHING. As always. I didn't stick up for myself.

However, I was there to support my friend and I didn't want to embarrass her. (I can do that in a lot of other ways.) In fact, I think I did embarrass her a little. As she and her friend were trying to get everyone's attention so they could present their merchandise, the women were still having this WONDERFUL conversation about preschool. I completely interrupted them to get them to shut up so that we could get the show on the road. Remember, I'm a working mom and taking 2 hours out of my evening puts my life way off track. I still had to do some laundry and get ready for the next day.

Thankfully, I got home and my husband had switched the laundry so as I was getting everything together for the next day I told him what happened at the party. He, as always, goes off on how well my son is doing with writing and the alphabet and that is totally because of the preschool he is at.

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