
Just thought I would warn you:
I can't spell.
I have no grammar skills.
I like to make a 2 sentence story go about 3 paragraphs.
Some people call that long winded, I call it thorough.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Katy Week

I love my birthday. In fact, I love the week (or week and a half) of my birthday. It is not just because there is a day where people celebrate the birth of me (although, that is somewhat cool) but I have had the best times of my life surrounding my birthday. I’m by no means a sports fan however March Madness tends to bring people together even though I like to think it’s because of my birthday! It is the day before St. Patrick’s Day, which always helps! Growing up it was usually around spring break and what kid doesn’t like a week off school as a birthday present? In college, I had some of the best times with my closest friends before, during, and after my birthday.

I tend to get lucky around the month of March also. I was engaged during the month of March. I got my dream job at the end of March. My daughter was born two days after March (I count that!) and this year was no exception. Since we have been blessed with an unusually early spring with temperatures in the 60s and 70s (my favorite kind of weather) we decided to take advantage of the weather, March Madness and my birthday. On Friday night, we set up a projector towards the wall of our house and a computer so that we could watch basketball, outside to enjoy the nice weather. We had friends over and just enjoyed the evening when the beer man showed up. A bartender who works at our local brewery (of which we are loyal customers http://www.portcitybrewing.com/) was driving by, saw our “set up” and dropped of a box of my favorite beer. Yes, free…delivered…beer. Happy Birthday to me!

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