
Just thought I would warn you:
I can't spell.
I have no grammar skills.
I like to make a 2 sentence story go about 3 paragraphs.
Some people call that long winded, I call it thorough.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I just was sidelined. I got sick and I am not talking about a cold that my kids picked up from the petri dishes we call day-care but a 2-week stomach, head, sinus, cough, throat killer. It started when, of course, my husband when out of town for a week. In the middle of the night my stomach decided it did NOT like what I had for dinner and then I got a fever. (The last time I remember have a fever, my mom was taking my temperature as I was lying in my childhood bedroom.) Nevertheless, as most moms do, I powered through, got the kids and myself out the house. Then the headache, sinus and cough started and has not really stopped two weeks later.

I am eternally grateful to have wonderful friends. A few days into this virus from hell, my son had basketball practice. There, my friends saw how miserable I was. They took my son for the afternoon so that I only had to care for my daughter. Just those few hours of laying the couch while she played did wonders.

The next morning I picked up my husband from the airport with my kids. The minute I saw him the white flag went up and I decided, “I’m sick.” I took a day off work, went through two economy-sized bags of cough drops, and had the humidifier on in my bedroom for a week.

Two weeks later, I feel okay. Not great, but better. I am still coughing in the evening some but my son has finally stopped asking, “When are you going to get your voice back?” I did not think moms could get sick. Aren’t they supposed to be able to conquer the world in any situation? I guess I did not get that gene when it was being handed out!

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