
Just thought I would warn you:
I can't spell.
I have no grammar skills.
I like to make a 2 sentence story go about 3 paragraphs.
Some people call that long winded, I call it thorough.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I'm notorious for jinxing myself. Just last week, I was picking up my son at his pre-school and had my daughter with me. We are waiting, very patiently until she gets admitted into the school. The director, who knows how patiently we are waiting until she gets admitted into the school, came by to talk. She saw my daughter looking around at all the toys and asked me, "So, what kind of personality does she have?" (Did I tell you how patiently we are waiting until she gets admitted into the school?)

Now before I tell you my answer, I need to give you a little background on my son. Simply put, he has temper. Now, this is not a bad thing. He doesn't hit. He doesn't bite. He just cries...and cries...and cries...and cries. Do I need to go on? When he first started in the "Two Year Old Class" the teacher figured out that the other boys thought it was funny to watch my son come apart so they would take a toy away from him and then sit back for the "entertainment." And once the crying starts, it takes a patient, soft spoken adult with about 20 minutes to burn to bring him off the ledge. Luckly, his teachers in the Two and Three Year Old classes knew how to deal with him.

My son is now in Pre-K. The teachers do not have that patient, soft spoken touch (nor should have to have it) and when my son gets to "that place" they have actually brought him back to the Two Year Old class so the teacher could deal with him.

So back to my story, the director asks me "So, what kind of personality does she have?" I point to my son and say, "complete opposite of him!" I think I heard angels singing in the director's head for a moment. I told her that she is easy-going kid who loves playing by herself and with other kids and eats anything that is given to her. Basically, an angel with blond streaks.


It has only been a week since this conversation. My daughter turns two in less than a month and has decided to act like it. She is now throwing tantrums and food. When asked a question, her immediate response is "no" and then thinks about it, sometimes changing her mind. She has discovered that grabbing her brother's hair by the fists full makes him scream, very loudly. She can push other kids to the ground. Basically, she has turned me into a liar.

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