
Just thought I would warn you:
I can't spell.
I have no grammar skills.
I like to make a 2 sentence story go about 3 paragraphs.
Some people call that long winded, I call it thorough.

Friday, September 30, 2011

writing skills were never something to write home about

So I finally have taken advice from an old colleague to write down my adventures in Katy World. I warn you I can't spell, have no grammer skills and I'm convince the only way I got through college and grad school was because I was smart enough to have my English Major friend Jen proof read everything (we wouldn't tell her former employer she was proofing my work while "on the clock.")

Let me introduced myself: Hi, I'm Katy. I'm 33, married, have 2 little kids and live in the Alexandria, Virginia (DC area.) I'm incredibly sarcastic, clumsy and loud. I work for a non-profit membership organization's Washington "shop" however I do NOT lobby. Nothing wrong with lobbying, especially if you are lobbying on behalf of a good cause, let's say children, I just wasn't good at it but found my niche in non-profit administration. (I will stop rambling now.)

The other night we were getting the kids ready for bed. I was trying to get my son's pajamas on but he insisted on pulling at his genitals (my parents are pediatricians, we use the anatomically correct words.)
Me, "remember Bud, playing with your penis is for private time in your room."
Andy, "Yeah, I know. Miss Valerie told me that at school."
Me, "Oh, really? Well then please stop. "
Andy, "Well, what is this?" pointing to his scrotum.
Me, "Your scrotum"
Andy, "Can I play with that?"

I grew up with a younger sister. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to handle a boy.